This Page shows the process and exploration that went into the production of Man’s Best Friend detailing the art work and decision making that came together to complete the animation. The page will show you how the characters were created, sets designed and style invented. The animation style developed for this piece of work is unique. Indeed, while its combination of 3D and 2D is not a new one, the materials and practices involved were developed purely for this animation.
This page is a celebration of what I believe makes this animation (and all other animations) beautiful: the process of creating it. No other medium puts so much time into small details and takes quite so long to create. Telling a story can be done in a variety of different ways; filmed, written, sung, spoken, and more.
So why choose animation? Because of its beauty and unlimited boundaries. Animation is a special form of art. With lots of big companies creating CGI animation, the variety can be seen to becoming lost in favour of a “look” that will attract the biggest audiences. Man’s Best Friend does not follow this style. The animation follows the story of Vincent as he struggles financially. He struggles with what many others may find no problem at all. I wanted the style to stand out and reflect this feeling of being different and left out.
This page will give the reader an insight into the process involved in creating such a piece of work and serves as a celebration of animation as a medium for creativity and storytelling.